Hope and Resilience Seen Through Gaza’s Children
Article by Julia Hurley, Outreach Coordinator for Flying Paper, June 2, 2012 Last summer, after a year of waiting, and arguing with the Egyptians for a visa, I ventured to Gaza for the second time, on an invitation from the UN, and spent three months interviewing families, writing, and learning about life under siege. It […]

Behind the Scenes: Pulling off a Sneak Preview in New York
Article by Roger Hill, Co-Director of Flying Paper, May 23, 2012 “You guys must have nerves of steel,” remarked a colleague of Nitin’s shortly before the start of last night’s sneak preview of Flying Paper. As guests were returning from the buffet table to their chairs and the music portion of the evening was winding to […]

Witnessing Life in Gaza through the Lens
Article by Anne Paq, photographer and co-producer of Flying Paper, May 23, 2012 I just came back from my fourth trip to Gaza. I am a French photographer based in Bethlehem (the West Bank) for many years and a member of the photo collective Activestills. For over 5 years I have been involved in the community-based […]

Get Involved: Spreading the word about Flying Paper
Many people around the world have supported the making of the upcoming film Flying Paper. While not everyone can contribute financially, we hope you can help us spread the word. The film project has recently been selected by MTV to be showcased on its MTV Voices channel online. There will soon be a trailer of […]

The Craft of Stop-Motion Animation
Article by Daniel Nienhuis, Lead Animator for Flying Paper, May 16, 2012 Stop-motion animation takes a long time. That’s the first thing most people say when I mention the technique – and it’s undeniably true. There is, however, a secret about stop-motion; something that makes the act of snapping hundreds or thousands of nearly identical […]

Rising Above, With Sticks, Paper and String
A beautiful article about the culture of kite flying in Gaza despite the siege, written by James Bennet for the New York Times on July 18, 2003. A brief excerpt here: “It is a gentle piece of orchestration, a harmony of season and need. Every year, the summer sun heats the inland desert to the […]

Playtime is over says U.S. government to the children of Palestine
On October 31, 2011 the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization or (UNESCO) voted to allow Palestine full membership into the cultural agency of the United Nations. The joy for Palestinians served through the agency was short lived however as the United States immediately responded by cutting off all funds to UNESCO, roughly 22% […]

Creating Handmade Animation for Flying Paper
Article by Daniel Nienhuis, Lead Animator for Flying Paper, May 5, 2012 One reason that I love animation is that if one takes a step back and considers what is going on, it really shouldn’t work. In fact, symbolic, representational art in general should not work. Our brains should reject it. A stick figure has […]

Flying Paper: Sneak Preview Party at the New School
Short Video of the event, edited by Sara Fusco Screening, Live Music and Discussion with Filmmakers Monday, May 21, 7:00 p.m. The New School for Public Engagement Theresa Lang Community and Student Center 55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor, New York Admission: Free (with Palestinian food & drinks) Please RSVP on our Facebook Event Invite […]

It Takes Two to Fight Over a Documentary
Interesting New York Times article – very timely as Roger and I released our first doc film Kickstarter campaign for Flying Paper last week. “Documentary directing teams — whether fiancées, best friends, siblings, spouses, or even exes — are standard in an industry not known for its remunerative prospects. On a tight budget two people […]

A chance encounter on a flight to Cairo – A film and revolution in the making
Article (Part I) by Roger Hill, Co-Director of Flying Paper, Apr 26, 2012 Boredom sets in on an 11 hour flight from New York to Cairo, its winter of 2009 and I am flying to join an international protest dubbed the Gaza Freedom March, I notice an article about the freedom march the Egyptian-American man […]

Cinematic Aesthetics in Flying Paper
Article by Roger Hill, Co-Director of Flying Paper, Apr 24, 2012 This uplifting documentary tells inter-weaving stories in the week building up to the monumental attempt of Palestinian youth to fly the most kites at once. Told from the perspectives of a handful of engaging Palestinian youth who build impressive kites, explore daily life and […]